Welcome to Differential Equations.
In these course pages you will find the course syllabus and a weekly schedule of assignments. Additionally, I will post fundamental definitions, axioms, theorems or interesting ideas developed in class. Remember that the class notes will be the most comprehensive and your primary reference.
Click here in order to view the course syllabus.
Daily assignments are listed below. Assignments can be added, deleted or modified as appropriate. Please note that there will be a quiz given each week, but may not be announced!
Day | Assignment |
1 | Meet and Greet – Course Bureaucracy |
2 | Introduction to LaTeX |
3 | Basic Models: HW: Read 1.1; 1-19o. Within the next few days watch Lecture 1. Obtain a slope field program for your calculator from Dr. Krawczyk at the University of Arizona. |
4 | 1.1; 21,23, 27-31o. Check your solutions to the word problems carefully. Is your model reasonable and under what conditions will it reflect reality? |
5 | Solutions to Differential Equations: HW: 1.2; 1-9o, 5 and 7 are special, how? |
6 | Solutions to Differential Equations: HW: 1.2; 11-19o. 17 shows up on AP Physics E&M exam. |
7 | Classification of Differential Equations. HW: 1.3; 1-18 |
8 | Classification of Differential Equations. HW: 1.3; 19, 21-29. Consider 30-31 |
9 | Review HW: redo any problems you found interesting or challenging |
10 | Linear Equations and Integrating Factors. HW: 2.1; 1,5,9,13,25. Watch Lecture 3 |
11 | Linear Equations and Integrating Factors. HW: 2.1; 15,17,19 |
12 | Separable Equations. HW: 2.2; 1-9o, 11,15. Watch Lecture 4 |
13 | Separable Equations. HW: 2.2; 21-37o |
14 | Modeling with Differential Equations. HW: 2.3; 1-11o, Choose any of 5 of the 6 word problems. Watch Lecture 7 |
15 | Modeling with Differential Equations. HW: 2.3; 13-19o, 20-22, Choose any 6 of the 7 word problems. |
16 | Modeling with Differential Equations. HW: 27-32, Choose any 3 of the 6. and 2.4; 1-13o, Watch Lecture 8 |
17 | Differences between Linear and Non-linear Equations. HW: 2.4; 15, 27-29, 33 |
18 | Autonomous Equations and Population Dynamics. HW: 2.5; 1-17o, (the hint in 17 is essential), watch Lecture 5 |
19 | Autonomous Equations and Population Dynamics. HW: 2.5; 22-25 |
20 | Autonomous Equations and Population Dynamics. HW: 2.5; 17, and 2.6; 1-7o |
21 | Exact Equations and Integrating Factors. HW: 2.6; 9-15o, 19,21,25,27, read 23 |
22 | Euler’s Method. HW: 2.7; 1-13o, watch Lecture 2 |
23 | The Existence and Uniqueness Theorems. HW: 2.8; 1-9o |
24 | First Order Difference Equations. HW: 2.9; 1-7o, 15 and Page 133; 1,3,5,8,9,11,14 |
25 | First Order Difference Equations. HW: Page 133; 15,17,20,22,24,25,33,34 |
26 | Review |
27 | Test |
28 | Second Order Linear Differential Equations. HW: Page 144; 3-6, 9,10,12,16,18,21,26,28 |
29 | Homogeneous Second Order Differential Equations and the Wronskian. HW: Page 155; 4-6, 8,10, 13,15,16,21 |
30 | Homogeneous Second Order Differential Equations and the Wronskian. HW: Page 156; 23, 25,26, 31,32, 33,34,36, 41, 46 |
31 | Complex Roots. HW: Page 164; 7,8,12,14, 17,18,22 |
32 | Complex Roots. HW: Page 165; 28,34,35,36 |
33 | Repeated Roots. HW: Page 172; 3,4,6, 13,14, 15,16 |
34 | Repeated Roots. HW: Page 173; 20-22, 25-27, 31,32 |
35 | Nonhomogenous Second Order Linear Equations; Undetermined Coefficients. HW: Page 184; |
36 | Nonhomogenous Second Order Linear Equations; Undetermined Coefficients. HW: |
36 | Nonhomogenous Second Order Linear Equations; Undetermined Coefficients. HW: |
36 | Nonhomogenous Second Order Linear Equations; Variation of Parameters. HW: |
36 | Nonhomogenous Second Order Linear Equations; Variation of Parameters. HW: |
36 | Mechanical and Electrical Vibrations. HW: |
36 | Mechanical and Electrical Vibrations. HW: |
36 | Forced Vibrations. HW: |
36 | Forced Vibrations. HW: |
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